New Choices Worksheet

New Choices Worksheet

1. Reflect on your Original Deal(s) through the lens of your Best Self and consider what you could think, feel or say in the moment it shows up that might support you living true to your Best Self.
2. List all of your Security Blankets, from the negative self-talk to the judgements, justifications and emotions, and one by one, consider how else could you respond that would support your desire to live that 10 out of 10 life.
3. Finally, list all your Wet Blankets – the words, the non-verbals, the attitudes, the identities – and do a similar exercise of creating better responses to each one, one by one.

When I feel or sense any of my Original Deals, Security Blankets or Wet Blankets are triggered, I choose to instead say to myself:

Thank you for wanting to keep me safe, and instead I choose to: